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Gift Card


A gift certificate for any amount, can be used for any EMBA program or sale.

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Looking for a gift for a beekeeping enthusiast? When you purchase a gift certificate (in any amount) you have the option to send the certificate via email or print it out and send it yourself. Gift certificates are a great way to pay for a new beekeeper to attend the Annual Beekeeping Workshop or to join the EMBA (Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association).


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Additional Information


Educating Beekeepers Since 1939

Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association (EMBA) is a volunteer-based organization that trains beginning and advanced beekeepers, promotes beekeeping within the region; and provides networking opportunities for beekeepers, old and new. Educating beekeepers for the last 85 years!

EMBA is proud to endorse:

Wyoming Street

St. Louis, MO 63218


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All rights reserved.

Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association.

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