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Frequently Asked Questions

See below for most commonly asked questions and their answers.




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Q: I'm an EMBA Member, how do I change my account password?

A: To change your account password, you login to your EMBA account.

Under the MEMBERS tab, go all the way to the bottom and select the MEMBER ACCOUNT page.

In the blue box, under the HOME tab, scroll to the very bottom and you will see CHANGE PASSWORD under the SAVE PROFILE button.

Click the CHANGE PASSWORD and you will be directed to another screen where you will follow the directions to enter a new password.

Q: I'm an EMBA Member, and I can't remember my password. How do I login to my account?

A: No worries! It's easy to change your account password.

Go to MEMBER LOGIN under the MEMBERS tab.

Under the LOGIN button you will see the blue words FORGOT PASSWORD. Click them.

You will be directed to another screen where you will follow the directions to enter a new password.

Can't find the answer to your question?

Go to our Contact page to submit your request.


Educating Beekeepers Since 1939

Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association (EMBA) is a volunteer-based organization that trains beginning and advanced beekeepers, promotes beekeeping within the region; and provides networking opportunities for beekeepers, old and new. Educating beekeepers for the last 85 years!

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Wyoming Street

St. Louis, MO 63218


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All rights reserved.

Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association.

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