2025 Extractaganza
July 19 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
REGISTER for the 2025 Extractaganza. If you have supers full of honey to extract, and don’t own your own extractor, this is your opportunity to use an electric extractor to harvest your honey.
We will have motorized extractors & uncapping stations set up. Members are invited to bring up to 4 supers to extract that day. Experienced beekeepers will be there to help the newbees. Extracting sessions are scheduled for 8:00 am, 10:00 am and 1:00 pm, please register for your preferred time.
Tickets cost $20
** Don’t forget to bring buckets or containers to put your extracted honey in and another container if you want to take your capping wax home. Also please put your name on your equipment, all white supers & 5 gallon buckets look the same.
EXPERIENCED BEEKEEPERS – We need you to assist Newbees in extracting their honey & answering questions. Join us for a wonderful day talking about bees with fellow beekeepers.
NEWBEES – You are encouraged to join us even if you don’t have honey to extract. This event is an opportunity for you to learn, ask questions and talk to fellow beekeepers. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!