Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center Auditorium
11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States
Know Your State Apiarist Lee Conner has been with the Missouri Department of Agriculture since 2014 and Missouri's State Apiarist since 2017. Lee will be talking about the state of Missouri’s Apiary Inspection Program including the state's requirements for transporting hives. He will also detail what a typical state inspection consists of. Lee's been a… Read More »March Monthly Meeting
Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center Auditorium
11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States
Understanding Varroa Mites and their impact on our honey bees by Dr. Juliana Rangel-Posada Juliana has a Ph. D. in Neurobiology and Behavior from Cornell University and is currently Associate Professor of Apiculture in the Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University. She is an active member of the Texas Beekeepers Association and has spoken… Read More »April Monthly Meeting
Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center Auditorium
11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States
Raising Local Queens | Jane Sueme, Co-founder of Saint Louis Beekeepers Jane will present on the Saint Louis Beekeepers Sustainable Stock Apiary's work to raise local, regionally-adapted queen stock. Jane will share the story of how their project was inspired by Randy Oliver with Scientific Beekeeping and SLU bee researcher Geraldo Camillo. The team of… Read More »May Monthly Meeting
765 Gravois Road, Fenton, MO, United States
Open Apiary times are an informal, unstructured gathering. There will be brief demonstrations, questions and answers, and time to get hands-on experience with beehives. Open Apiary will count as 2 hours of field training toward your progress through the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program. All participants must be a member of a bee club, any… Read More »Great Plains Master Beekeeping Open Apiary May
765 Gravois Road, Fenton, MO, United States
Open Apiary times are an informal, unstructured gathering. There will be brief demonstrations, questions and answers, and time to get hands-on experience with beehives. Open Apiary will count as 2 hours of field training toward your progress through the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program. All participants must be a member of a bee club, any… Read More »Great Plains Master Beekeeping Open Apiary June
Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center Auditorium
11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States
Dr. David T. Peck, Director of Research and Education at Betterbee will discuss treatment options for Varroa mites. Dr. Peck's doctoral work in Cornell University's Department of Neurobiology and Behavior focused on the transmission of mites between bee colonies, as well as the mite-resistance traits of the untreated honey bees living in Cornell's Arnot Forest. After… Read More »June Monthly Meeting
Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center Auditorium
11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States
Eugene Makovec will present “Packaging and Selling Honey in Missouri: A Guide for small and medium-sized Beekeeping Operations”. He’ll discuss the laws for bottling, labeling and selling honey in Missouri — partly the kitchen rules he help to change in 2015, but also the various rules and exemptions on sales tax, and where and how… Read More »July Monthly Meeting
765 Gravois Road, Fenton, MO, United States
Open Apiary times are an informal, unstructured gathering. There will be brief demonstrations, questions and answers, and time to get hands-on experience with beehives. Open Apiary will count as 2 hours of field training toward your progress through the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program. All participants must be a member of a bee club, any… Read More »Great Plains Master Beekeeping Open Apiary July
765 Gravois Road, Fenton, MO, United States
DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER for the 2023 Extractaganza. If you have supers full of honey to extract, and don't own your own extractor, this is your opportunity to use an electric extractor to harvest your honey. We will have motorized extractors & uncapping stations set up. Members are invited to bring up to 4 supers to extract that day. Experienced beekeepers will… Read More »July Extractaganza