Honey Harvesting Opportunity Bob Sears is a familiar name with the EMBA. He is the longtime Club president but is now retiring from beekeeping. He recently donated some extracting equipment and has also asked that we harvest and extract the honey supers from his hives. As with the equipment, all proceeds will be donated to… Read More »Honey Harvesting Volunteer Opportunity
765 Gravois Road, Fenton, MO, United States
Open Apiary times are an informal, unstructured gathering. There will be brief demonstrations, questions and answers, and time to get hands-on experience with beehives. Open Apiary will count as 2 hours of field training toward your progress through the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program. All participants must be a member of a bee club, any… Read More »Great Plains Master Beekeeping Open Apiary August
Emmenegger Nature Park
11991 Stoneywood Drive, St. Louis, MO, United States
The EMBA Harvest Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 10th from Noon till 4:00 PM at Emmenegger Nature Park located just down the road from Powder Valley in Sunset Hills. We hope all members and their families will come spend an afternoon sharing beekeeping stories. This is always a fun afternoon with good food,… Read More »Sept Fall Harvest Picnic
Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center Auditorium
11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States
In addition to "This Month in Beekeeping", John Pashia and Ken Heitkamp will present how to make mead, a wine made from fermented honey. Mead is the oldest known alcoholic beverage (older than beer), discovered in clay vessels found in Asia to be ~9,000 years old and is mentioned in much of Nordic mythology. John… Read More »Sept Monthly Meeting
765 Gravois Road, Fenton, MO, United States
Open Apiary times are an informal, unstructured gathering. There will be brief demonstrations, questions and answers, and time to get hands-on experience with beehives. Open Apiary will count as 2 hours of field training toward your progress through the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program. All participants must be a member of a bee club, any… Read More »Great Plains Master Beekeeping Open Apiary September
Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center Auditorium
11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States
Our October keynote speaker will be William Hesbach. He'll discuss Winter Management: How honey bees thermoregulate and survive in cold climates. Bill Hesbach is the President of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association, a Connecticut native with a background in engineering where he teaches bee biology and various beekeeping methods at regional beekeeping club meetings. He's an… Read More »Oct Monthly Meeting
Darr Ag Center MSU Campus
2401 S Kansas Expy., Springfield
Fall conference is live and in person. It will be held October 13-14 in Springfield, MO at the Darr Ag Center on the MSU campus. Key note speakers Troy Hall of Hall Apiaries and Eugene Makovec of the American Bee journal will speak. More updates will be posted as available. Bio links below: https://mostatebeekeepers.org/troy-hall/ https://mostatebeekeepers.org/eugene-makovec/… Read More »Missouri State Beekeepers Association Fall Conference
Indian Creek Apiaries
5921 Big Indian Creek Road, Sullivan, MO, United States
We're looking for a few good volunteers to help relocate some EMBA hives to the Danforth Bee Yard and to another site off of Telegraph Road. Directions to follow, Bring your own protective equipment and water. Even if you are are first year beekeeper helping out in the apiary is a great way to gain… Read More »Volunteers Needed to Move Hives
765 Gravois Road, Fenton, MO, United States
Open Apiary times are an informal, unstructured gathering. There will be brief demonstrations, questions and answers, and time to get hands-on experience with beehives. Open Apiary will count as 2 hours of field training toward your progress through the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program. All participants must be a member of a bee club, any… Read More »Great Plains Master Beekeeping Open Apiary October
Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center Auditorium
11715 Cragwold Road, Kirkwood, MO, United States
Our keynote speaker will be Paul Landsberg, he will discuss "Over Wintering For Spring Success". Paul Landsberg age 42 from Clinton, Missouri, owner of Paul’s Honey Farm LLC which was established by his father Chris Landsberg when Paul was 3 years old in 1983. In November of 2015 the business, still more of a hobby,… Read More »Nov Monthly Meeting