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EMBA Beginner’s Workshop Follow-Up Meeting

Beginners Follow-Up Meeting
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
This  is a follow-up meeting to the February 8th Beginners Workshop.  This meeting focuses on the Newbees, we will discuss where do you go from here. Much of the meeting will be spent answering questions that the new beekeepers have.  Experienced club members are encouraged to attend to help answer the questions.  Honey Bee Nuc Colonies, Reference Books & Club Memberships will be sold at this meeting. Doors open at 6:30.

All beginners are strongly urged to attend this beginners’ orientation to be held in the O auditorium of the Monsanto Creve Coeur Campus at the intersection of North Lindbergh Blvd. & Olive Blvd.   The purpose of the meeting is to introduce and discuss the Club’s programs for beginners, and help beginners prepare to receive and take care of their nucleus colonies. We will cover in depth important issues such as site selection, hive stand construction, and early feeding and colony care.

Members who attend this workshop may order nucleus honey bee colonies in advance of the online sale.

Online nuc orders will open the following day (February 20th) and will be filled on a first-come-first serve basis.

Honey Bee Nuc Colonies (include a queen and five frames of brood/honey/pollen). $185/each  Limit: 2 per membership

Location of the Beginner’s Follow-Up Meeting:
Monsanto’s Creve Coeur campus
Located at 800 N.Lindbergh Blvd. & Olive Blvd.
Follow the signs to the R Visitor’s parking lot or W1 parking lot.
Enter Building R through the front doors.
You will be directed to the O auditorium.

Click Here for Map

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